Mazal Tov!

Your Bar or Bat Mitzvah represents a special time as your childhood comes to its close and you begin the journey into adulthood. Many Jewish young people from around the world choose to dedicate this period of transition to bettering the world by donating their gifts to worthwhile organizations both in Israel and abroad. Over the years NATAL has been honored to be the recipient of such a wonderful gesture from many, whose generosity has impacted the lives of thousands of Israeli men, women and children who have been traumatized due to terror and war. 

All funds donated through these projects goes directly to NATAL’s programs and if there is a specific program you would like to support we welcome your input! If you would like to get an idea of some of the special projects NATAL offers and that you can focus your project on, you can see them here. You can also take a look at our core services here

NATAL is grateful to all of the young adults who have chosen to support NATAL through their Bar/Bat Mitzvah project and would love to hear from anyone who would like to do the same! If you would like more information, to tell us your ideas or even visit NATAL, feel free to email Ifat Morad at