On February 27th NATAL took part in a touching ceremony to mark the opening of a new Youth Leadership Program that opened at the Meir Ort High School in Kiryat Gat, a town living under continuous rocket attacks in southern Israel. The ceremony, attended by the Inbar Foundation and family members, and the Kiryat Gat Municipality’s department of Education included a touching film to commemorate the tragic loss of Inbar Attiya, who was killed in the terror attack at the Dizengoff Center, Tel Aviv, in 1996. NATAL’s youth leadership program includes comprehensive training to youth living in Kiryat Gat in dealing with national emergencies, both on a theoretical and practical level. It is designed to train youth to utilize their abilities and channel their energy into volunteer roles in emergencies, assisting their communities to cope with crises as well as working in schools and community centers during routine times to strengthen the resiliency of the community prior to emergencies. The program started in 2018 in collaboration with the Jewish United Fund Chicago, the Inbar Foundation and the Jewish Agency for Israel. We are excited about this unique project and look forward to watching it continue to grow!